
Showing posts from 2008

Configuring DAD file and MODPLSQL on Oracle Application server 10g

mod_plsql DAD Configuration This file contains documentation of all the Database Access Descriptor (DAD)level parameters that can be specified in the mod_plsql configuration file$ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/conf/dads.conf A DAD is a set of values that specify how mod_plsql connects to a databaseserver to fulfill an HTTP request. Besides the connect details, a DAD containsimportant configuration parameters for various operations in the databaseand for mod_plsql in general. Any web-enabled PL/SQL application which makesuse of the PL/SQL Web ToolKit needs to create a DAD to invoke the application. Some typical PL/SQL applications which would require DAD's are- Any PL/SQL Application written using the PL/SQL Web ToolKit- Oracle Application Server Portal- Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Creating a DAD------------------ If OHS/mod_plsql is part of the Oracle Application Server product, it isrecommended that you use Oracle Enterprise Manager to create a DAD. Otherwise,perfor...

Using JTable instead of Ordinary Forms Data Block

Display Result on JTable

Executing Server side procedure and publishing result on HTML

source code will be avalibale soon web.show_document('http://moiserver:7778/appweb/PKG_Download_BLOB.Download_Blob?P_tbl=CE_NOTICE&p_tranid=':CE_NOTICE.NOTICE_RECID,'_blank'); END ; another example CREATE OR REPLACE procedure TEST.queryemp is cursor emp_cur is select ename,sal from emp; begin htp.prn(' '); htp.prn(' '); htp.prn(' Employee Data '); htp.prn(' '); htp.prn(' '); for i in emp_cur loop htp.prn(' '); htp.prn(' '||i.ename||' '); htp.prn(' '); end loop; htp.prn(' '); htp.prn(' '); end; / --- dads conf SetHandler pls_handler Order allow,deny Allow from All AllowOverride None PlsqlDatabaseUsername test PlsqlDatabasePassword test PlsqlDatabaseConnectString pmstst PlsqlNLSLanguage AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic PlsqlDocumentTablename smm_doc_table ...