Working With File Throgh WebUtill
-------------------------------------------------- Required Configuraion : By default the file transfer is disabled in webutil for a security measure. So, you have to enable File transfer configuration in webutil.cfg file. The webutil.cfg file is located in forms\server. Open The webuil.cfg file and edit the following parameters : transfer.database.enabled=FALSE Change To TRUE transfer.appsrv.enabled=FALSE Change to TRUE WebUtil_File contains APIs to manipulate files and directories on the client. These Functions Or APIs are: Copy_File : Copies a file Returns a Boolean to indicate success. Syntax : Webutil_File.Copy_File(SourceFileName in Varchar2 , Destination In Varchar2) Return Boolean Example Declare vCopied Boolean; Begin vCopied := Webutil_File.Copy_File('C:\temp\mypic.jpg','X:\destination_folder'); If vCopied = true Then Message('File copied Successfully'); Else Message('Error in Copying File'); End if; Delete_File: ...