
Showing posts from 2010

report server,forms,OC4J_BI_Forms starts and stops automatically

1- open the file  opmn.xml  located in application server home/midtier/opmn/conf and edit it as follow Go to the process-type tag with id="OC4J_BI_FORMS" module-id="OC4J". Under this process-type tag, go to the category tag with the id="urlping-parameters". Replace the line with: Then, under the line add:   2- edit the file  rwnetwork.conf located in reports/conf comment the first line multicast channel=" ... and un comment the second line namingService name="Cos" example      

Exception creating EntityManagerFactory

Exception creating EntityManagerFactory This error in jdeveloper occurs when you build your ejb module on views not table the problem is that the @id annotation is not added to the code generated by jdeveloper. In addition to that , the java.sel.Timestamp is used insted of java.util.Date. moreover that, the wizard that generates the code does not generate  @Temporal annotation. To solve this problem, do the following: Do  not  use Java fields of type  java.sql.Date !  java.util.Date  or  java.util.Calendar  instead. add annotation @id before primary key column add annotation  @Temporal before every Date attribute

My journey with Java

الحمد لله و بعدرحلة طويلة من المحاولات فى ال j2ee  و ال self study  المرير بدأنا كورس ال j2ee بصرحاة انا كنت عاوز البداية من الويب لكن مديرى و زمايلى اصرو انهم يبداو  أ ب جافا من الاول خالص انا قولت اكيد خير علشان هراجع اللى اتعلمته قبل كدة فى ال j2se  اصلى اخدت الكورس دة قبل كدة مرتين 

Screen Recorder

-********************************************************- - Screen Recorder this software record screen and save it to vedio and HTML and Flash ********************End*********************************-

Quiz 3

-********************************************************- - I create and populate the following table: CREATE TABLE my_employees ( last_name VARCHAR2 (100) , salary NUMBER ) / BEGIN INSERT INTO my_employees VALUES ('Smith', 100); INSERT INTO my_employees VALUES ('Silva', 200); INSERT INTO my_employees VALUES ('Singh', 300); INSERT INTO my_employees VALUES ('Chen', 400); INSERT INTO my_employees VALUES ('Corvalis', 500); INSERT INTO my_employees VALUES ('Feuerstein', 600); COMMIT; END; / I then write the following block: DECLARE TYPE namelist_t IS TABLE OF my_employees.last_name%TYPE; l_filters namelist_t := namelist_t ('S%', 'C%', 'F%'); BEGIN FORALL indx IN 1 .. l_filters.COUNT UPDATE my_employees SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE UPPER (last_name) LIKE l_filters...

How to create Business Rules & Database Triggers:

-------------------------------------------------- Environment Headstart utility go to the Function Hierarchy Diagramer select the container that you wish to create the business rule in, or just create a new sheet click on Function icon "small white square on the right top of the screen", then place it in the sheet type the lable and short definition of that function. Note: in this step you are building your business rules tree, so you may keep the root as a description for your business rules to be grouped under. Ex: for PMS, first we start with the root BR_PMS, and its definition is PMS Business Rules. Then for each system model, we have a group of business rules, like Funds/Portfolios Business Rules, or Securities Business Rules...etc. pick again the function icon, and type the label according to the following convention: · BR_TableShortName001_CEV (change event) · BR_TableShortName002_TRS (transition e...

Keep Where statement as "default where" when you re query

Scenario : 1- User presses enter query button 2- user enter the criteria and the presses "Execute Query" button 3- Data for the specified criteria is now displayed on the block 4- user wants now to order data ascending , so he presses "Order ASC" button which contains this code "set_block_property('data",default_where,vColumn||' '||'asc'); Execute_query;" 5-The block now displays all the data form the table in a ascending order requirement: user wants to display only the data with the previous specified criteria in an ascending order -------------------------------------------------- DECLARE v_qry varchar2(1000); v_where varchar2(1000); m number; n number; BEGIN csh$block.all_Rec('DATA','QF_BROWSE',:SWITCH,'CSH_ENTER',:ACTION_FLAG); If csh$block.check_records(':browse.status',:action_flag,:switch,'CSH_ENTER','T')>0 then v_qry:=get_block_property('BROWSE',last_qu...