
Showing posts from September, 2012

How to change the content language according to the page locale

Hi Suppose you have "Employee" table which contains many attributes. Some of these attributes are :EmpNameArabic,EmpNameEnglish,StatusArabic,StatusEnglish. The problem is how to query the "EmpNameArabic" attribute in case of the locale is "ar" and how to query"EmpNameEnglish" in case of the local is "en". Solution 1- In the EmployeeVO view object , click on the query tab and edit the query as following: Edit the query to add "Decode(:p_lang,'en',EmpNameEnglishmEmpNameArabic) Emp_name" then click ok 2- Add the  bind  variable Select expression and write : " adf.context.locale.language" click ok and test the page and change the direction to test.

setDomainEnv file in weblogic

@ECHO OFF @REM WARNING: This file is created by the Configuration Wizard. @REM Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration. @REM ************************************************************************* @REM This script is used to setup the needed environment to be able to start Weblogic Server in this domain. @REM @REM This script initializes the following variables before calling commEnv to set other variables: @REM @REM WL_HOME         - The BEA home directory of your WebLogic installation. @REM JAVA_VM         - The desired Java VM to use. You can set this environment variable before calling @REM                   this script to switch between Sun or BEA or just have the default be set. @REM JAVA_HOME       - Location of the version of Java used to start WebLogic @REM                   ...

how To get the current row index and the rows count

To get the current row index and the rows count  value="[#{bindings.AdmMissionReqHdrVO1Iterator.rangeStart + bindings.AdmMissionReqHdrVO1Iterator.currentRowIndexInRange +1}/#{bindings.AdmMissionReqHdrVO1Iterator.estimatedRowCount}] "/>