
Showing posts from 2018

How to change row state

Some time you need to change the row status to be NEW instead on initalized  ViewRowImpl row  = null;     DCIteratorBinding  itr = ADFUtils.findIterator("DocTransHdrViewIterator");  ViewObjectImpl vo = (ViewObjectImpl) itr.getViewObject();  row = (ViewRowImpl) vo.createRow();  row.setNewRowState(Row.STATUS_NEW);

JNDI naming exception:javax.naming.NameNotFoundException when trying to create Connection factory

I faced a problem which is when trying to establish connection Factory to the JMS server that I have configured correctly , I got that error. the following is the code The hi lighted line failed. I am sure that I created the connection factory with the correct JNDI name. it runs successfully on the integated WLS , but not working on the Stand alone WLS  The solution is Deploy you JMS server on the admin server not on the managed server

How to create Shared library for ADF application deployed on WLS

Suppose you have two application.The first one is called "MainApplication" that contains the main menu and login . The second one is called "HrSetupApplication" which contains some taskflows related to the HR system. 1- add a Manifest file to "HrSetupApplication" Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: Tarek Bakr Extension-Name: opr.operationComm Extension-Title: HRS setup as a sharedLib Specification-Title: hrsSetupLib Specification-Version: 1.0 Specification-Vendor: Tarek Bakr Implementation-Title: Hr system as a library Implementation-Version: 1.1 Implementation-Vendor: Tarek Bakr 2- weblogic.xml add library reference "opr.operationComm"