Open wikipedia in a modal popup.
This post was more or less inspired by the noteWindow example on Oracles tag demo site. When hovering the highlighted text in this example the user gets extra information about the subject. I wanted to give the end user the opportunity to get even more information, for instance by invoking a wikipedia page about the subject. The catch here is that I wanted this information to be shown in a modal popup, and one that is not prohibited by popup blockers. Luckily ADF 11g provides javascript popups that can also be made modal, so the user has to close the popup before returning to the application. This post describes how I used an in a to open the correct wikipedia in a modal popup. Step 1: Create the plain text that invokes the noteWindow. This is taken directly from the mentioned Oracle example. Vultures are scavenging birds, feeding mostly on the carcasses of dead animals. Vultures are found in every continent except ...