Dynamically add region at runtime
1- Create a .jspx page based on your template as usual and leave it blank until this time
2- Create all the bounded taskflows that you wants and create the page fragments as usual.
3- Create a java bean class called"DhamanJavaBean"
Package org.dhaman
import oracle.adf.controller.TaskFlowId;
public class DhamanJavaBean {
private String taskFlowId = "/WEB-INF/emp-flow.xml#emp-flow";
public DhamanJavaBean () {
public TaskFlowId getDynamicTaskFlowId() {
return TaskFlowId.parse(taskFlowId);
At this moment the calss contains only one attribute " taskFlowId" and only one method " getDynamicTaskFlowId()"
1- Double click the "adfc-conf.xml" unbound taskflow and click on overview tab to add a new managed ben as follow:
- Name: dhamaBean
- Class : org.dhaman .DhamanJavaBean
- Scope: pageflow
2- Now return to the ".jspx" page and click on "Bindins" tab at the button of the page to open the page definition bindings page.
3- Under executable click add and select "adf task flow bindings" and select "task flow"
1- Click ok - the dialog will appear
1- Id: region " or you can write any name you like"
2- taskFlowId: #{pageFlowScope.dhamanBean.dynamicTaskFlowId} " this is the the method in the managed bean that will return the taskflow Id"
3- click ok and return to the source of the page " I mean the jsf source"
4- add a region tag under the facetRef like this
1- save all
2- go to DataBindings.cpx and click on it and go to the structure window
1- you will add a "definition factory" in the databindings structure by right click on the Databindings and select "insert inside databinding" and select definition factory.
2- A new folder will be created as "definitionFactories"
3- Right click on that folder and select "insert inside" and select factory
- className: oracle.adf.controller.internal.binding.TaskFlowBindingDefFactoryImpl
1- save all
1- for testing add a default value for the " taskFlowId" in the java class. The default value is the task flow file name followed by "#" and taskflow id as show in the example
2- now run the .jspx file