Select multiple rows using Check box
One of the requirements is that you want to display a table of rows in a table , and the user select some rows using checkbox then insert,or updates these rows.
1- in your view object , add transient attribute "TransSelected" of type Boolean
1- in your view object , add transient attribute "TransSelected" of type Boolean
2- drag and drop the view object from the data control as table
3- by default, the "TransSelected" is displayed as input text, delete the input text from within the column and drag and drop it again from the data control inside the column as selectOneBooleanCheckBox
4- in the "Edit binding Dialog box " Enter true , for selected state value , and false for UnSelected State Value
5- Now we will implement the multi-select action.The simplest way to get the selected rows is to use the "getFilteredRows()" view object's method. This is a built in method for any View Object
The "getFilteredRows()" returns array of Row object.
Example: add a button on you page and implements its action as follow:
public String processSelectedRows() {
String output = null;
DCIteratorBinding reqItr = ADFUtils.findIterator("EmpViewIterator");
ViewObject vo = empItr.getViewObject();
Boolean selected = null;
Row[] rows = vo.getFilteredRows("TransSelected", true);
for (Row row : rows) {
if (row != null) {
System.out.println("Employee Name =" + row.getAttribute("EmpName"));
return output ;