How can a Java method returns more than one value
One of my friends asks me this question, can a java method returns than more value?
- you can achieve this task through a work around
Consider this example
This example call a database function that contains out parameter and return a number value too.
- you can achieve this task through a work around
Consider this example
public static java.math.BigDecimal pmsGetActRetB(java.math.BigDecimal P_ID, java.math.BigDecimal P_HON_ID,
oracle.jbo.domain.Date P_DATE,
java.math.BigDecimal P_NAV[]) throws java.sql.SQLException {
java.math.BigDecimal __jPt_result = null;
CallableStatement __sJT_st = null;
try {
String theSqlTS =
"BEGIN :1 := IAIGC.\"PMS_RET_PKG\".PMS_GET_ACT_RET_B(\n :2 ,\n :3 ,\n :4 ,\n :5 ) \n; END;";
__sJT_st.registerOutParameter(1, oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.NUMERIC);
__sJT_st.registerOutParameter(5, oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.NUMERIC);
// set IN parameters
__sJT_st.setBigDecimal(2, P_ID);
__sJT_st.setBigDecimal(3, P_HON_ID);
__sJT_st.setObject(4, P_DATE);
__sJT_st.setBigDecimal(5, P_NAV[0]);
// execute statement
// retrieve OUT parameters
__jPt_result = __sJT_st.getBigDecimal(1);
P_NAV[0] = __sJT_st.getBigDecimal(5);
} finally {
return __jPt_result;
This example call a database function that contains out parameter and return a number value too.