How to create Shared library for ADF application deployed on WLS
Suppose you have two application.The first one is called "MainApplication" that contains the main menu and login . The second one is called "HrSetupApplication" which contains some taskflows related to the HR system.
1- add a Manifest file to "HrSetupApplication"
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Tarek Bakr
Extension-Name: opr.operationComm
Extension-Title: HRS setup as a sharedLib
Specification-Title: hrsSetupLib
Specification-Version: 1.0
Specification-Vendor: Tarek Bakr
Implementation-Title: Hr system as a library
Implementation-Version: 1.1
Implementation-Vendor: Tarek Bakr
2- weblogic.xml
add library reference "opr.operationComm"
1- add a Manifest file to "HrSetupApplication"
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Tarek Bakr
Extension-Name: opr.operationComm
Extension-Title: HRS setup as a sharedLib
Specification-Title: hrsSetupLib
Specification-Version: 1.0
Specification-Vendor: Tarek Bakr
Implementation-Title: Hr system as a library
Implementation-Version: 1.1
Implementation-Vendor: Tarek Bakr
2- weblogic.xml
add library reference "opr.operationComm"
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